Camilo Gallardo is a psychotherapist trained as a Jungian Analyst and Internal Family Systems (IFS) therapist, (IoTP) Identity oriented Psychotrauma Therapy and IFIO couples therapist

Accredited organisations: The Guild of Analytical Psychologists (GAP) The International Association for Analytical Psychology (IAAP) : UK Council for Psychotherapy (UKCP)

In 1989 I started daily meditation practice by moving into a residential Zen Centre in California. The daily practice of Zazen brought up intense personal unconcious material and so I started to see a Jungian analyst for support and integration.

Fifteen years later, looking to go deeper into process work and also study more, I left being an actor/ filmaker and embarked on training to become a Jungian analyst in London. 

In 2014 I read The Body Keeps the Score by Bessel van der Kolk and it embarked me on more study and training about the effects of psychological trauma, both individually and collectively.

In search of a comprehensive treatment modality specifiaclly for traum I looked deeper into Internal Family Systems Therapy and, after trying it for myself, and using it with many individuals since, am sure it is the most complete treatment modality for trauma out there.


1988-1992   Theatre and Film with Janet Alhanti studio, Los Angeles

1989-1992    Resident at Dharma Zen Centre LA. Refuge Zen Master SeungSahn

1994  Iquitos, Peru with Chamán Don Agustin Rivas

1996  Iquitos, Peru with Chamán Don Agustin Rivas

1996-2006  Jungian training with the Guild of Analytical Psychologists (GAP)

1996-2010 Annual 10-day silent Vipassanā retreat with

2005 Refuge with 17th Gyalwang Karmapa, Ogyen Trinley Dorje

2015 - 2018 (IoTP) Identity oriented Psychotrauma Therapy with Franz Ruppert

2018 Mahamudra for the Modern World with  Dr. Reginald A. Ray

2023/2023                         Thomas Hübl       Healing Ancestral Trauma 

2023/2024                        Thomas Hübl      The Spiritual Healing Journey   

2024   10-day silent Vipassanā  Satipatthana retreat with

The unique contribution of IFS

The IFS model of therapy attracted me because it is rooted in systems thinking and the multiplicity of the mind. It also believes that all individuals have what is called a Self (our core, soul,  internal leader or divinity) which doesn't need to be cultivated or developed; we are born with it.

It also acknowledges that we have parts or aspects of our personality that we are born with too, which have positive intentions and are not a sign of pathology. With trauma, parts are forced to take on extreme protective roles or to carry painful experiences.

IFS has a unique way of addressing and dealing with trauma, in that it deals with the cognitive by addressing and unloading distorted thoughts and beliefs, it incorporates the body as it supports the movement and discharge of physical sensations, and it facilitates the release of painful feelings (such as unworthiness, loneliness, and unlovability) by healing the wounds that parts of us carry. 

IFS helps release parts from their extreme roles and repairs the chasm created between parts and the Self as a result of the trauma. Parts are then able to restore trust in Self-leadership and fluidly integrate back into the whole system. IFS incorporates spirituality and promotes a humane, non-pathologizing, openhearted, and loving approach to healing the pain associated with repeated attachment and  relational violations. 

Internal Family Systems Therapy trainings:

2018 L1                           Paul Ginter  

2019 L1                           Chris Burris

2019 L2                           Cece Sykes           Compassion for Addictive Processes

2019 L3                           Richard Schwartz 

2019 L2                           Frank Anderson   Trauma and Neuroscience

2021 L3                          Richard Schwartz 

2022 L2                          Cece Sykes           Compassion for Addictive Processes

2023 L3                          Cece Sykes             

2024 IFIO                      Ann Drouilhet, Joanne Gaffney and John Palmer         Intimacy From The Inside Out